
  1. Rudd, H., E. Kane, , D. Shea, A. Ercumen, Elizabeth Guthrie Nichols. 2024. Diagnostic screening of private well water using gas chromatography with high resolution mass spectrometry to support well water management. Science of the Total Environment 953, 175945
  2. Blumenfeld, S., S. Ghezehei, J. Whitehill, J. Owens, E. Guthrie Nichols. Financial Analysis Tool (CT-FT) for Western North Carolina Christmas Tree Growers. Journal of Extension, in press, November 2024.
  3. Rudd, H., A. Neal, d. Genereux, D. Shea, Elizabeth Guthrie Nichols. 2023. Vulnerability of wells in unconfined and confined aquifers to modern contamination from flood events. Science of the Total Environment. Science of the Total Environment 901 (2023) 165729
  4. Brecht, S., X. Kong, X. Rui Xia, D. Shea, Elizabeth Guthrie Nichols. 2022. High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Chemical Uptake in Hydroponic Soybeans and Coupled-Integrative Passive Samplers (CIPS) Using Different Irrigation Sources. Science of the Total Environment.
  5. Neville, J.A., R. Emanuel, E. Guthrie Nichols, J. Vose. 2021. Extreme Flooding and Nitrogen Dynamics of a Blackwater River. Water Resources Research 57:12   
  6. 2021 Short Rotation Forestry Guide
  7. Ghezehei, S.B.; Ewald, A.L.; Hazel, D.W.; Zalesny, R.S., Jr.; Nichols, E.G. Productivity and Profitability of Poplars on Fertile and Marginal Sandy Soils under Different Density and Fertilization Treatments. Forests 2021, 12, 869. 10.3390/f12070869
  8. Hedgespeth, M.L., McCord, J., K. Phillips, Strynar, M.J., Shea, D., Nichols, E.G. Suspect-screening analysis of a coastal watershed before and after hurricane Florence using high-resolution mass spectrometry. Science of the Total Environment 782, 2021, 146862.
  9. Ghezehei SB, Hazel DW, Nichols, E.G. 2020. SRWC-PEAM: A Comprehensive Appraisal Tool for Short-Rotation Woody Crops in the Southeast. Journal of Extension.
  10. Gibson, N.E., G. Sun, and E. Guthrie Nichols. 2020. Water Balance of Municipal Wastewater Irrigation in a Coastal Forested Watershed. Ecohydrology.
  11. Maier, Chris., J. Burley, R. Cook, S. Ghezehei, D. Hazel, and E. Guthrie Nichols. 2019. Tree water use, water use efficiency, and carbon isotope discrimination in relation to growth potential in Populus deltoides and hybrids under field conditions. Forests. 10(11):993
  12. Ghezehei SB, Wright J, Zalesny RS Jr., Nichols EG, Hazel DW. 2019. Matching site-suitable poplars to rotation length for optimized productivity. Forest Ecology and Management 457:117670.
  13. Ghezehei SB, Nichols EG, Hazel DW. 2019. Productivity and cost-effectiveness of short-rotation hardwoods on various land types in the southeastern USA. International Journal of Phytoremediation.
  14. Hedgespeth, M.L., Gibson, N., McCord, J., Strynar, M.J., Shea, D., Nichols, E.G. 2019. Suspect screening and prioritization of chemicals of concern (COCs) in a forest-water reuse system watershed. Science of the Total Environment,
  15. Hedgespeth, Melanie L., and Elizabeth Guthrie Nichols. 2019. Expanding phytoremediation to the realms of known and unknown organic chemicals of concern. International Journal of Phytoremediation.
  16. Zalesny, R. W. Headlee, G. Gopalakrishnan, E. Bauer, R. Hall, D. Hazel, J. Isebrands, L. Licht, M. Negri, E. Nichols, D. Rockwood, A. Wiese. 2019. Ecosystem Services of Poplar at Long-Term 2012Phytoremediation Sites in the Midwest and Southeast, U.S. WIREs Energy and Environment JournalFirst published: 18 June 2019
  17. Ghezehei SB, E. Guthrie. Nichols, C.A. Maier, D.W. Hazel. 2019. Adaptability of Populus to physiography and growing conditions in the Southeastern USA. Forests. 10(2):118. DOI: 10.3390/f10020118.   – OR – In, “Short Rotation Woody Crop Production Systems for Ecosystem Services and Phytotechnologies,” Eds Zalesny.
  18.  Zalesny R.S. Jr., G. Berndes, I. Dimitriou, U. Fritsche, C. Miller, M. Eisenbies, S.B. Ghezehei, D. Hazel, W.L. Headlee, B. Mola-Yudego, M.C. Negri, E.Guthrie  Nichols, J. Quinn, S.D. Shifflett, O. Therasme, T. Volk, C. Zumpf. 2019. Positive water linkages of producing short rotation poplars and willows for bioenergy and phytotechnologies.  WIREs Energy and Environment Journal. First published: 11 April 2019
  19. McEachran, A., M. Hedgespeth, S. Newton, R. McMahen, M. Strynar, D. Shea, E. Guthrie Nichols. 2018. Comparison of emerging contaminants in receiving waters downstream of a conventional wastewater treatment plant and a forest-water reuse system. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25: 12451–12463.
  20. McEachran, A, D. Shea, and E.G. Nichols. 2017. Pharmaceuticals in a Temperate Forest-Water Reuse System. Science of the Total Environment, 581-582: 705-714. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.12.185
  21. Shifflett, S.D., A. Culbreth, S. Ghezehei, Hazel, Daniels, and E.G. Nichols. 2016. Coupling Aquaculture with Forest Plantations for Food, Energy, and Water Resiliency. Science of the Total Environment. 15:1262-70.
  22. Shifflett, S.D., E. Guthrie Nichols, D.W. Hazel. 2016. Sub-soiling and genotype selection improve Populus productivity on a North Carolina sandy soil. Forests, 7, 74: 1-11. DOI: 10.3390/f7040074.
  23. Birch, A.L., R. Emanuel, A. James, and E. G. Nichols. 2016. Hydrologic Impacts of Municipal Wastewater Irrigation to a Temperate Forest Watershed. Accepted. Journal of Environmental Quality. 45:1303–1312.
  24. McEachran, Damian Shea, Wanda Bodnar and Elizabeth Guthrie Nichols. 2016. Pharmaceutical occurrence in groundwater and surface waters in forests land-applied with municipal wastewater. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.  35:898-905, DOI: 10.1002/etc.3216.
  25. Nichols, E. Guthrie. 2016. Current and future opportunities for forest land application systems of wastewater.  In Ansari, A.A., Gill, S.S., Gill, R., Lanza, G.R., Newman, L. (Eds.), Phytoremediation Management of Environmental Contaminants, Volume IV. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. Pp 153-173.
  26. Ghezehei, S., E. Guthrie Nichols, D. Hazel. 2015. Early clonal survival and growth of poplars grown on North Carolina piedmont and mountain marginal lands. Bioenergy Research, 9:548-558. (doi:10.107/s12155-015-9707-x).
  27. Steelman T, Nichols E, James A, Bradford L, Ebershon L, Scherman V, Omidire F, Bunn D, Twine W, McHale MR. 2015. Practicing the science of sustainability: the challenges of transdisciplinarity in a developing world context.  Sustainability Science. 10:581-599.   DOI 10.1007/s11625-015-0334-4
  28. Ghezehei, S., Shifflet, S., Hazel, D, E. Guthrie Nichols. 2015.  SRWC Bioenergy Productivity and Economic Feasibility on Marginal Lands. Journal of Environmental Management 160:57-66.
  29. Nichols, E.G., W. DeLuca, R. Ebersohl. 2015. Multi-Institutional Collaboration for a Shared Renewable Energy Assessment Curriculum. Natural Sciences Education. 44: 34-42.
  30. Wilcox, E., and E. Guthrie Nichols. 2014. Pharmaceuticals in the Environment: Review of Current Disposal Practices for Medications and the Influence of Public Perception on Environmental Risks.  NC AWWA-WEA Annual Conference, Greensboro, NC. Nov. 16-19th, 2014.
  31. Nichols, E.G., R. Cook, J. Landmeyer, B. Atkinson, G. Shaw, D. Malone, L. Woods. 2014. Phytoremediation of a Petroleum-Hydrocarbon Contaminated Shallow Aquifer in Elizabeth, City, North Carolina, U.S.A. REMEDIATION Spring 2014. DOI: 10.1002/rem.21382.
  32. Shifflet, S., Hazel, D., Frederick, D., E. Guthrie Nichols. 2013. Species Trials of Short Rotation Woody Crops on Two Wastewater Application Sites in North Carolina, USA. Bioenergy Research. DOI. 10.1007/s12155-013-9351-2.
  33. Cook. R. L., J. Landmeyer, B. Atkinson, J.P. Messier, Elizabeth Guthrie Nichols.  2010. Field Note: Successful Establishment of a Phytoremediation System at a Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contaminated Shallow Aquifer: Trends, Trials, and Tribulations. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 12: 716-732.
  34. Nichols, E.G. and J. Musella. 2009.  Differences in PAH Desorption and Sediment Organic Matter Composition Between Non-Vegetated and Recently Vegetated Fuel-Oiled Sediments.  International Journal of Phytoremediation, 11:463–478, 2009.
  35. Nichols, E.G., Gregory, S.T. and J. Musella. 2008.  The Impact of Vegetation on Sedimentary  Organic Matter Composition and PAH Desorption.  Environmental Pollution, 156: 928–935.
  36. Gregory, S.T. and E. Guthrie Nichols. 2008. Differences in Sediment Organic Matter Composition and PAH Weathering Between Non-Vegetated and Recently Vegetated Fuel-Oiled Sediments. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 10:473-485.
  37. Sharpe, A.J. and E. G. Nichols. 2007.  Use of Stable Nitrogen Isotopes and Permeable Membrane Devices to Study What Factors Influence Freshwater Mollusk Survival in the Conasauga River.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 132:275–295.
  38. Gregory, S.T., D. Shea, E. G. Nichols. 2005. The Impact of Vegetation on Sedimentary Organic Matter Composition and PAH Attenuation. Environmental Science and Technology, 39:5285-5292.
  39. Guthrie-Nichols, E.., A. Grasham, C. Kazunga, M. Salloum, R. Sangaiah, A. Gold, and P.G. Hatcher. 2003. The Effect of Aging on Pyrene Transformation in Sediments.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 22:40-49.
  40. Greenwood, P., Jasper D.H. van Heemst, Elizabeth A. Guthrie, and Patrick G. Hatcher. 2002. Laser micropyrolysis GC-MS of lignin. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 62:365-373.
  41. Greenwood, P., Elizabeth A. Guthrie, and Patrick G. Hatcher. 2000. The In Situ Analytical Pyrolysis of Two Different Organic Components of a Synthetic Environmental Matrix Doped with [4,9-13C]Pyrene. Organic Geochemistry, 31: 635.
  42. Chefetz, B., Ashish Deshmukh, Elizabeth A. Guthrie, and Patrick G. Hatcher. 2000.  Pyrene Sorption by Natural Organic Matter. Environ. Sci. Technol. 34:2925-2930.
  43. Guthrie, E.A., J. T. Bortiatynski, K. M. Stewart, E.M.Kovach, M. W. Medlin, J.E. Richman, and P.G. Hatcher. 1999.  Organic Matter Degradation and [13C] Pyrene Association with Refractory Organic Matter.  Environ. Sci. Technol. 33:119-125.
  44. Guthrie, E.A. and F.K. Pfaender. 1998.  Reduced Pyrene Bioavailability in Microbially-Active Soils. Enviro. Sci. Technol. 32:501-508.
  45. Walton, B.T., T.A. Anderson, and E.A. Guthrie. 1995. Letter to the Editor. Environ. Sci. and Technol. Feb 1995.
  46. Anderson, T.A., E.A. Guthrie, B.T. Walton. 1993.  Bioremediation in the Rhizosphere. Environ. Sci. and Technol.  27:2630-2636. (Cover photograph by N. Clodfelter).