Congratulations to Emily who successfully passed her Master’s Thesis Defense on May 10, 2022

Emily Piner successfully defended her master’s thesis work on May 10th, 2022 in front of a committee composed of Dr. Saad Khan from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Dr. Lucian Lucia and Dr. Nathalie Lavoine from the Department of Forest Biomaterials, at NC State.

Her work entitled “Fully Bio-Based Barrier Films and Coatings for Use in the Packaging Industry: Understanding the Interactions Between Composite Components” tackles crucial challenges in sustainable packaging engineering & manufacturing.

Emily Piner

This summer, Emily will conduct an internship at the EPA, and will start her PhD studies in Fall 2022, in the Department of Chemistry at NC State!

Congratulations!!! We are going to miss you!


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