Welcome to our two new group members: Dr. Karthik Mani and Mrs. Chisom C. Umeileka

We welcome this Fall 2022 two new group members:

Dr. Karthik Mani, postdoctoral researcher who was previously working at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in Israel. Dr. Mani has immense experience and expertise in Pickering Emulsions and will work on a sponsored research project in collaboration with Dr. Argyropoulos and Dr. Lavoine.

Mrs. Chisom C. Umeileka, who has joined us straight from Nigeria. Mrs. Umeileka is the recipient of the 2022 Provost Fellowship of the Department of Forest Biomaterials. She has just started her PhD journey under the supervision of Dr. Lavoine and will conduct research activities on sustainable coating formulations for packaging applications.


Welcome to both of you! We wish you all the best for this new adventure!
Want to know more about these two members? Check the “Research group members” page of the website!

Published in News.

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