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Guinto, D., C. S. DePerno, and J. G. Hall. Snakes. North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension, Raleigh, North Carolina. 21 pages.

Peer-Reviewed Publications


  • 173.  Jacques, C. N., R. W. Klaver, C. S. DePerno, and A. P. Rockhill. 2024. Comparing the efficacy of two immobilization drug combinations for the chemical restraint of bobcats (Lynx rufus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 60:86-94. doi: 10.7589/JWD-D-22-00012.     PDF


  • 172.  Oven, E., A. Nelson, Z. Gajewski, C. S. DePerno, M. C. Allender, L. Adamovicz, and S. R. Hopkins.  First detection of apparent ophidiomycosis in the mole kingsnake (Lampropeltis rhombomaculata) in North Carolina, USA.  Herpetological Review 54:379-380.     PDF
  • 171.  Sanders, II, C. W., S. F. Spear, K. Black, C. Olfenbuttel, and C. S. DePerno.  Diet of the North American River Otter (Lontra canadensis) in North Carolina using 2 methods.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 47:e1502.     PDF      PDF Supporting Information
  • 170.  Brown, P, K. Hernandez, C. Parsons, Y. Chen, N. Gould, C. S. DePerno, J. Niedermeyer, and S. Kathariou.  2023.  Tetracycline resistance in Listeria monocytogenes and L. innocua from wild black bears (Ursus americanus) in the United States is mediated by novel transposable elements.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology 89:     PDF
  • 169.  Badgett, S. L., M. K. R. Scheible, I. G. Livingston, E. P. Meredith, N. P. Gould, J. Strules, C. S. DePerno, C. Olfenbuttel, M. K. Stoskopf, M. Breen, C. Arnold, and K. A. Meiklejohn. 2023. Characterizing North Carolina black bear (Ursus americanus) populations using UrsaPlex v2.0.  Forensic Science International: Animals and Environments 4:100075.     PDF
  • 168.   Brown, P, Y. Chen, M. Ivanova, P. Leekitcharoenphon, C. Parsons, J. Niedermeyer, N. Gould, J. Strules, J. B. Mesa-Cruz, M. J. Kelly, M. F. Hooker, M. J. Chamberlain, C. Olfenbuttel, C. DePerno, D. Elhanafi, and S. Kathariou.  2023.  Draft genome sequences of 158 Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from black bears (Ursus americanus) in the United States.  Microbiology Resource Announcements 12:     PDF
  • 167.   Strules, J., T. Dawant, K. Riese, R. Gerhold, J. Brown, C. Olfenbuttel, C. S. DePerno, B. J. Hunt, and A. R. von Dohlen.  2023.  Use of a point of care test to determine the prevalence of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in black bears from North Carolina and Pennsylvania.  Journal of Parasitology 109:221-224.     PDF
  • 166.  Sanders, II, C. W., D. L. Stewart, K. Pacifici, G. R. Hess, C. Olfenbuttel, and C. S. DePerno.  Variations in reproduction and age structure in the North American river otter in North Carolina, USA. Journal of Wildlife Management 87:DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.22361.     PDF
  • 165.  Puckett, E. E., I. S. Davis, D. C. Harper, K Wakamatsu, G. Battu, J. L. Belant, D. E. Beyer, Jr., C. Carpenter, A. P. Crupi, M. Davidson, C. S. DePerno, N. Forman, N. L. Fowler, D. L. Garshelis, N. Gould, K. Gunther, M. Haroldson, S. Ito, D. Kocka, C. Lackey, R. Leahy, C. Lee-Roney, T. Lewis, A. Lutto, K. McGowan, C. Olfenbuttel, M. Orlando, A. Platt, M. D. Pollard, M. Ramaker, H. Reich, J. L. Sajecki, S. K. Sell, J. Strules, S. Thompson, F. van Manen, C. Whitman, R. Williamson, F. Winslow, C. B. Kaelin, M. S. Marks, and G. S. Barsh.  Genetic architecture and evolution of color variation in American black bears.  Current Biology    PDF


  • 164.  Lashley, M. A., M. C. Chitwood, J. L. Dykes, C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman.  Human-mediated trophic mismatch between fire, plants and herbivores.  Ecography 2022:e06045 doi:10.1111/ecog.06045.    PDF


  • 163.  Walker, M. J., G. C. Shank, M. K. Stoskopf, L. J. Minter, and C. S. DePerno.  Efficacy and cost of GonaConTM for population control in a free-ranging white-tailed deer population.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 45:589-596.     PDF
  • 162.  Gould, N. P., R. Powell, C. Olfenbuttel, and C. S. DePerno. Growth and reproductionby young urban and rural black bears. Journal of Mammalogy 102:1165-1173. DOI:10.1093/jmammal/gyab066.    PDF
  • 161.  Rosche, S. B., C. E. Moorman, A. J. Kroeger, K. Pacifici, J. G. Jones, and C. S. DePerno. Effects of prescribed fire on northern bobwhite nesting ecology.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 45:249-257.   PDF
  • 160.  Willis, J. L., D. K. Schnake, C. S. DePerno, M. A. Lashley, B. Wetzstein, and J. Yow. Tree encroachment impacts on seed predator selection and seedling establishment in degraded pine woodlands. Applied Vegetation Science doi:10.1111/avsc.12570.     PDF
  • 159.  Choi, D. Y., A. C. Fish, C. E. Moorman, C. S. DePerno, and J. M. Schillaci. Breeding-season survival, home-range size, and habitat selection of female Bachman’s sparrows. Southeastern Naturalist 20:105-116.     PDF
  • 158.   Hannon, D. R., C. E. Moorman, A. D. Schultz, and C. S. DePerno. The relationship between upland hardwood distribution and avian occupancy in fire-maintained longleaf pine forests. Forest Ecology and Management 479:    PDF


  • 157.  Noonan, M. J., C. H. Fleming, M. A. Tucker, R. Kays, A. Harrison, M. C. Crofoot, B. Abrahms, S. C. Alberts, A. H. Ali, J. Altmann, P. C. Antunes, N. Attias, J. L. Belant, D. E. Beyer, L. R. Bidner, N. Blaum, R. B. Boone, D. Caillaud, R. Cunha de Paula, J. Antonio de la Torre, J. Dekker, C. S. DePerno, M. Farhadinia, J. Fennessy, C. Fichtel, C. Fischer, A. Ford, J. R. Goheen, R. W. Havmøller, B. T. Hirsch, C. Hurtado, L. A. Isbell, R. Janssen, F. Jeltsch, P. Kaczensky, Y. Kaneko, P. Kappeler, A. Katna, M. Kauffman, F. Koch, A. Kulkarni, S. LaPoint, P. Leimgruber, D. W. Macdonald, A. C. Markham, L. McMahon, K. Mertes, C. E. Moorman, R. G. Morato, A. M. Moßbrucker, G. Mourão, D. O’Connor, L. Gustavo R. Oliveira-Santos, J. Pastorini, B. D. Patterson, J. Rachlow, D. H. Ranglack, N. Reid, D. M. Scantlebury, D. M. Scott, N. Selva, A. Sergiel, M. Songer, N. Songsasen, J. A. Stabach, J. Stacy-Dawes, M. B. Swingen, J. J. Thompson, W. Ullmann, A. Tamim Vanak, M. Thaker, J. W. Wilson, K. Yamazaki, R. W. Yarnell, F. Zieba, T. Zwijacz-Kozica, W. F. Fagan, T. Mueller, and J. M. Calabrese. Effects of body size on estimation of mammalian area requirements. Conservation Biology 34:1017–1028.   PDF
  • 156. Michel, E. S., B. K. Strickland, S. Demarais, J. L. Belant, T. M. Kautz, J. F. Duquette, D. E. Beyer, Jr., M. J. Chamberlain, K. V. Miller, R. M. Shuman, J. C. Kilgo, D. R. Diefenbach, B. D. Wallingford, J. K. Vreeland, S. S. Ditchkoff, C. S. DePerno, C. E. Moorman, M. C. Chitwood, and M. A. Lashley.  Relative reproductive phenology and synchrony affect neonate survival in a nonprecocial ungulate.  Functional Ecology 34:2536-2547.  doi:10.1111/1365-2435.13680.     PDF
  • 155.  Fish, A. C., C. S. DePerno, J. M. Schillaci, and. C. E. Moorman.  Fledgling Bachman’s sparrows in a longleaf pine ecosystem: survival, movements, and habitat selection.  Journal of Field Ornithology 91:354-366.     PDF
  • 154.  Hannon, D. R., C. E. Moorman, A. D. Schultz, J. M. Gray, and C. S. DePerno. Predictors of fire-tolerant oaks and fire-sensitive hardwood distribution in a fire-maintained longleaf pine ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management 477:     PDF
  • 153.  Sanders, II, C. W., C. Olfenbuttel, K. Pacifici, , G. R. Hess, R. S. Livingston, and C. S. DePernoLeptospira, parvovirus, and Toxoplasma in the North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) in North Carolina, USA.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 56:791-802.   PDF
  • 152.  Chitwood, M. C., M. A. Lashley, S. D. Higdon, C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman. Raccoon vigilance and activity patterns when sympatric with coyotes. Diversity 12, 341; doi:10.3390/d12090341.     PDF
  • 151.  Joslyn, C. A., L. Charles, C. DePerno, N. Gould, K. Nowak, B. Praggastis, E. Purvine, M. Robinson, J. Strules, and P. Whitney.  A sheaf theoretical approach to uncertainty quantification of heterogeneous geolocation information.  Sensors 20, 3418;    PDF
  • 150. Kroeger, A. J., C. S. DePerno, C. A. Harper, S. B. Rosche, and C. E. Moorman. Northern bobwhite non-breeding habitat selection in a longleaf pine woodlands. Journal of Wildlife Management 84:1348-1360. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21925.     PDF
  • 149.   Kroeger, A. J., C. E. Moorman, M. A. Lashley, M. C. Chitwood, C. A. Harper, and C. S. DePerno.  White-tailed deer use of overstory hardwoods in longleaf pine woodlands. Forest Ecology and Management 464:     PDF
  • 148.  Parsons, C., J. Niedermeyer, N. Gould, P. Brown, J. Strules, A. W. Parsons, J. B. Mesa-Cruz, M. J. Kelly, M. J. Hooker, M. J. Chamberlain, C. Olfenbuttel, C. DePerno, and S. Kathariou. Listeria monocytogenes at the human-wildlife interface: black bears (Ursus americanus) as potential vehicles for Listeria. Microbial Biotechnology 13:706-721. doi:10.1111/1751-7915.13509.     PDF
  • 147.  Sanders, II, C. W., K. Pacifici, G. R. Hess, C. Olfenbuttel, and C. S. DePerno. Metal contamination of river otters in North Carolina. Environmental Monitoring Assessment 192:146. doi:10.1007/s10661-020-8106-8.     PDF
  • 146.  Spong, G., N. P. Gould, E. Sahlén, J. P. G. M. Cromsigt, J. Kindberg, and C. S. DePerno. Large-scale spatial variation of chronic stress signals in moose. PLOS ONE 15(1): e0225990. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0225990.     PDF
  • 145.  Drake, M. D., M. N. Peterson, E. H. Griffith, C. Olfenbuttel, C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman 2020. How urban identity, affect, and knowledge predict perceptions about coyotes and their management. Anthrozoös 33:5-19.     PDF


  • 144.  Bragina, E. V., R. Kays, A. Hody, C. E. Moorman, C. S. DePerno, and L. Scott Mills. White-tailed deer and coyote colonization: a response to Kilgo et al. (2019). Journal of Wildlife Management 83:1641-1643. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21766     PDF
  • 143.  Drake, M. D., M. N. Peterson, E. H. Griffith, C. Olfenbuttel, C. E. Moorman, and C. S. DePerno. Hunting interacts with socio-demographic predictors of human perceptions of urban coyotes. Wildlife Society Bulletin 43:447-454.     PDF
  • 142. Willis, J. L., D. K. Schnake, B. Wetzstein, J. Yow, D. Guinto, S. Ulrich, C. S. DePerno, and M. A. Lashley. Seed depredation negates the benefits of midstory hardwood removal on longleaf pine seedling establishment. Restoration Ecology 27:1064-1072.     PDF
  • 141.  Rosche, S. B. C. E. Moorman, K. Pacifici, J. G. Jones, and C. S. DePerno. Northern bobwhite breeding season habitat selection in fire-maintained pine woodland. Journal of Wildlife Management 83:1226-1236. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21683     PDF
  • 140.  Jacques, C. N., R. W. Klaver, T. C. Swearingen, E. D. Davis, C. R. Anderson, J. A. Jenks, C. S. DePerno, and R. D. Bluett.  Estimating density and detection of bobcats in fragmented Midwestern landscapes using spatial capture-recapture data from camera traps.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 43:256-264.     PDF
  • 139.  Westmoreland, L. S. H., M. K. Stoskopf, E. Sheppard, C. S. DePerno, N. P. Gould, C. Olfenbuttel, and R. G. Maggi. Detection and prevalence of Babesia spp. in American black bears (Ursus americanus) from eastern and western North Carolina, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 55:678-681.     PDF
  • 138.  Bragina, E. V., R. Kays, A. Hody, C. E. Moorman, C. S. DePerno, and L. S. Mills. Effects of white-tailed deer following eastern coyote colonization. Journal of Wildlife Management 83:916-924. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21651     PDF
  • 137.  Sasmal, I., C. E. Moorman, M. B. Swingen, S. Datta, and C. S. DePerno.  Seasonal space use of transient and resident coyotes (Canis latrans) in North Carolina, USA.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 97:326-331.    PDF
  • 136.  Stevenson, E. R., M. A. Lashley, M. C. Chitwood, J. E. Garabedian, M. B. Swingen, C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman. Resource selection by coyotes (Canis latrans) in a longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) ecosystem: effects of anthropogenic fires and landscape features. Canadian Journal of Zoology 97:165-171. DOI: 10.1139/cjz-2018-0150     PDF
  • 135.   Sasmal, I, N. P. Gould, K. L. Schuler, Y-F Chang, A. Thachil, J. Strules, C. Olfenbuttel, S. Datta, and C. S. DePerno.  Leptospirosis in urban and suburban American black bears (Ursus americanus) in western North Carolina, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 55:74-83.     PDF
  • 134.  Fish, A. C., C. E. Moorman, J. M. Schillaci, and C. S. DePerno. Influence of military training activity on breeding ecology of Bachman’s sparrow. Journal of Wildlife Management 83:72-79. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21579     PDF


  • 133.  Burke, C. R., M. N. Peterson, D. T. Sawyer, C. E. Moorman, C. Serenari, R. K. Meentemeyer and C. S. DePerno. Predicting private landowner hunting access decisions and hunter density, Human Dimensions of Wildlife DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2018.1545147.      PDF
  • 132.  Sasmal, I, E. L. Kilburg, C. S. DePerno, M. Colter Chitwood, M. A. Lashley, B. A. Collier, and C. E. Moorman. Eastern wild turkey roost-site selection in a fire-maintained longleaf pine ecosystem. Southeastern Naturalist 17:371-380.     PDF
  • 131.   Boggs, A. D., C. S. DePerno, and J. R. Flowers. Range expansion of Fascioloides magna in North Carolina. Southeastern Naturalist 17:365-370.     PDF
  • 130.  Fish, A. C., C. E. Moorman, C. S. DePerno, J. M. Schillaci, and G. R. Hess.  Predictors of Bachman’s sparrow occupancy at its northern range limit.  Southeastern Naturalist 17:104-116.     PDF
  • 129.  Lashley, M. A., M. V. Cove, M. C. Chitwood, G. Penido, B. Gardner, C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman.  Estimating wildlife activity curves: comparison of methods and sample size.  Scientific Reports 8:4137. doi:10.1038/s41598-018-22638-6.     PDF


  • 128.  McAlister, M. A., C. S. DePerno, J. C. Fuller, D. L. Howell, and C. E. Moorman.  A comparison of field methods to estimate Canada goose abundance.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 41:685-690.     PDF
  • 127.  Morina, D. L., M. A. Lashley, M. C. Chitwood, C. E. Moorman, and C. S. DePerno.  Should we use the float test to quantify acorn viability?  Wildlife Society Bulletin 41:776-779.     PDF
  • 126. Chitwood, M. C., M. A. Lashley, J. C. Kilgo, M. J. Cherry, L. M. Conner, M. Vukovich, H. S. Ray, C. Ruth, R. J. Warren, C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman. Are camera surveys useful for assessing recruitment in white-tailed deer? Wildlife Biology 2017: wilb.00178, doi: 10.2981/wlb.00178.     PDF
  • 125. Chitwood, M. C., M. A. Lashley, C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman. Considerations on neonatal ungulate capture method: potential for bias in survival estimation and cause-specific mortality. Wildlife Biology 2017: wlb.00250, doi: 10.2981/wlb.00250.     PDF
  • 124.   Sasmal, I., C. S. DePerno, M. B. Swingen, and C. E. Moorman.  Influence of vegetation type and prescribed fire on Peromyscus abundance in a longleaf pine ecosystem.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 41:49-54.     PDF
  • 123.   Lashley, M. A., M. C. Chitwood, J. S. Nannery, C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman. Regenerating white pine (Pinus strobus) in the south: Seedling position is more important than herbivory protection. Castanea 82:156-162.     PDF
  • 122.   Lashley, M. A, M. C. Chitwood, C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman. Frequent fires eliminate fleshy fruit production. Forest Ecology and Management 405:9-12.      PDF
  • 121.   Palamar, M. B., M. T. Correa, M. N. Peterson, and C. S. DePerno.  Public preference for pet-rabies prophylaxis: Opportuinities and information dissemination.  Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease 2(3):46, doi:10.3390/tropicalmed2030046.    PDF
  • 120.  Chitwood, M. C., M. A. Lashley, C. E. Moorman, and C. S. DePerno. Setting an evolutionary trap: could the hider strategy be maladaptive for white-tailed deer? Journal of Ethology 35:251-257.     PDF
  • 119.   Sederquist, N., and C. S. DePerno.  Morphological comparison between island populations of the hog island boa constrictor.  North Carolina State University Undergraduate Research Journal Spring 2017:43-47.     PDF
  • 118.  McAlister, M. A., C. E. Moorman, R. K. Meentemeyer, J. C. Fuller, D. L. Howell, and C. S. DePerno.  Using landscape characteristics to predict distribution of temperate-breeding Canada geese.  Southeastern Naturalist 16:127-139.     PDF
  • 117.  Winiarski, J. M., A. C. Fish, C. E. Moorman, J. P. Carpenter, C. S. DePerno, and J. M. Shillaci.  Nest-site selection and nest survival of Bachman’s sparrows in two longleaf pine communities.  The Condor 119:361-374.     PDF
  • 116.  Freake, M. J., and C. S. DePerno.  Importance of demographic surveys and public lands for the conservation of eastern hellbenders Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis in the southeast USA.  PLOS ONE 12(6): e179153. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0179153     PDF
  • 115.  Chitwood, M. C., M. A. Lashley, B. L. Sherrill, C. Sorenson, C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman.  Macroarthropod response to time-since-fire in the longleaf pin ecosystem.  Forest Ecology and Management 391:390-395.    PDF
  • 114.  Biggerstaff, M. T., M. A. Lashley, M. C. Chitwood, C. E. Moorman, and C. S. DePerno.  Sexual segregation of forage patch use: Support for the social-factors and predation hypotheses.  Behavioural Processes 136:36-42.     PDF


  • 113.  Stevenson, E. R., M. C. Chitwood, M. A. Lashley, K. H. Pollock, M. B. Swingen, C. E. Moorman, and C. S. DePerno.  Survival and cause-specific mortality of coyotes on a large military installation.  Southeastern Naturalist 15:459-466.     PDF
  • 112.  Lashley, M. , M. Chitwood, G. Street, C. Moorman, and C. DePerno.  Do indirect bite count surveys accurately represent diet selection of white-tailed deer in a forested environment?  Wildlife Research 43:254-260.     PDF
  • 111.  Turner, M. M., C. S. DePerno, W. Booth, E. L. Vargo, M. C. Conner, and R. A. Lancia.  The mating system of white-tailed deer under Quality Deer Management.  Journal of Wildlife Management 80:935-940.     PDF
  • 110.  Prince, A., M. C. Chitwood, M. A. Lashley, C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman.  Resource selection by southeastern fox squirrels in a fire-maintained forest system.  Journal of Mammalogy 97:631-638.     PDF
  • 109.  Rockhill, A. P., R. Sollman, R. A. Powell, and C. S. DePerno.  A comparison of survey techniques for medium- to large-sized mammals in forested wetlands.  Southeastern Naturalist 15:175-187.     PDF
  • 108.  Sahlén, E., S. Noell, C. S. DePerno, J. Kindberg, G. Spong, and J. P. G. M. Cromsigt.  Phantoms of the forests: legacy risk effects of a regionally extinct large carnivore.  Ecology and Evolution 3:791-799.  doi:10.1002/ece3.1866   PDF


  • 107.  Charles-Smith, L. E., I. X. Domínguez, R. J. Fornaro, C. S. DePerno, and S. Kennedy-Stoskopf.  Monitoring wildlife interactions with their environment: an interdisciplinary approach.  Research and Reviews: Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 3:31-37.     PDF
  • 106.  Chitwood, M. C., M. N. Peterson, H. D. Bondell, M. A. Lashley, R. D. Brown, and C. S. DePerno.  Perspectives of wildlife conservation professionals on intensive deer management. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39:751-756.     PDF
  • 105.  Lashley, M. A., M. C. Chitwood, C. A. Harper, C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman.  Variability in fire prescriptions to promote wildlife foods in the longleaf pine ecosystem.  Fire Ecology 11:62-79.     PDF
  • 104.  DePerno, C. S., M. C. Chitwood, S. Kennedy-Stoskopf, and J. A. Jenks.  Fructosamine: An alternative to serum glucose measurement in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus).  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 51:876-879.     PDF
  • 103.  Burnett, E., E. Sills, M. N. Peterson, and C. DePerno.  Impacts of the conservation education program in Serra Malagueta Natural Park, Cape Verde.  Environmental Education Research:    PDF
  • 102.  Rutledge, M. E., C. E. Moorman, B. E. Washburn, and C. S. DePerno.  Evaluation of resident Canada goose movements to reduce the risk of goose-aircraft collisions at suburban airports.  Journal of Wildlife Management 79:1185-1191.     PDF
  • 101.  Raybuck, A. L., C. E. Moorman, S. R. Fritts, C. H. Greenberg, C. S. DePerno, D. M. Simon, and G. S. Warburton.  Do silvicultural practices to restore oaks affect salamanders in the short term?Wildlife Biology 21:186-194.    PDF
  • 100.  Chitwood, M. C., M. B. Swingen, M. A. Lashley, J. R. Flowers, M. B. Palamar, C. S. Apperson, C. Olfenbuttel, C. E. Moorman, and C. S. DePerno.  Parasitology and Serology of Free-Ranging Coyotes (Canis latrans) in North Carolina, USA.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 51:664-669.      PDF
  • 99.  Lashley, M. A., M. C. Chitwood, C. A. Harper, C. E. Moorman, and C. S. DePerno.  Poor soils and density-mediated body weight in deer: forage quality or quantity?  Wildlife Biology 21:213-219.    PDF
  • 98.  Swingen, M. B., C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman.  Seasonal coyote diet composition at a low-productivity site.  Southeastern Naturalist 14:397-404.    PDF
  • 97.  Cook, M. A., M. N. Peterson, M. C. Chitwood, D. Palmer, C. S. DePerno, and K. Gross.  2015.  Evaluating deer hunters’ support for hunting deer with dogs.  Human Dimensions of Wildlife 20:174-181.  PDF
  • 96.  Lashley, M. A., M. C. Chitwood, R. Kays, C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman.  Prescribed fire affects female white-tailed deer habitat use during summer lactation.  Forest Ecology and Management 348:220-225.     PDF
  • 95.  Kilburg, E. L., C. E. Moorman, C. S. DePerno, D. Cobb, and C. A. Harper.  Wild turkey prenesting-resource selection in a landscape managed with frequent prescribed burns. Southeastern Naturalist 14:137-146.    PDF
  • 94.  Chitwood, M. C., M. A. Lashley, J. C. Kilgo, K. H. Pollock, C. E. Moorman, and C. S. DePerno.  Do biological and bedsite characteristics influence survival of neonatal white-tailed deer? PLOS ONE 10(3): e0119070. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0119070.   PDF
  • 93.  Rutledge, M. E., R. Sollmann, B. E. Washburn, C. E. Moorman, and C. S. DePerno.  Using novel spatial mark-resight techniques to monitor resident Canada geese in a suburban environment.  Wildlife Research 41:447-453.   PDF
  • 92.  Chitwood, M. C., M. A. Lashley, J. C. Kilgo. C. E. Moorman, and C. S. DePerno. White-tailed deer population dynamics and adult female survival in the presence of a novel predator. Journal of Wildlife Management 79:211-219.     PDF


  • 91.  Ayers, C. R., C. S. DePerno, C. E. Moorman, H. H. Stibbs, and A. M. Faust.  Survey of Canada goose feces for presence of Giardia.  Human-Wildlife Interactions 8:245-250.   PDF
  • 90.  Chitwood, M. C., S. P. Phillips, S. Whisnant, J. Tyndall, M. A. Lashley, and C. S. DePerno.  Serum leptin as an indicator of fat levels in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the southeastern USA.  Journal of Wildlife Disease 50:887-890.     PDF
  • 89.  Grovenburg, T. W., K. L. Monteith, C. N. Jacques, R. W. Klaver, C. S. DePerno, T. J. Brinkman, K. B. Monteith, S. L. Gilbert, J. B. Smith, V. C. Bleich, C. C. Swanson, and J. A. Jenks.  Re-evaluating neonatal age models for ungulates: Does model choice affect survival estimates? PLOS ONE 9(9): e108797. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108797.    PDF
  • 88.  Chitwood, M. C., M. A. Lashley, C. E. Moorman, and C. S. DePerno.  Confirmation of coyote predation on an adult female white-tailed deer in the southeastern United States. Southeastern Naturalist 13:N30-N32.    PDF
  • 87.  Prince, A., C. S. DePerno, B. Gardner, and C. E. Moorman.  Survival and home-range size of southeastern fox squirrels in North Carolina.  Southeastern Naturalist 13:456-462.     PDF
  • 86.  Kilburg, E. L., C. E. Moorman, C. S. DePerno, D. Cobb, and C. A. Harper.  Wild turkey nest survival and nest-site selection in the presence of growing-season prescribed fire.  Journal of Wildlife Management 78:1033-1039.     PDF
  • 85.  Chitwood, M. C., M. A. lashley, C. E. Moorman, and C. S. DePerno.  Vocalizations observed in starving white-tailed deer neonates.  Southeastern Naturalist 13:N6-N8.    PDF
  • 84.  Lashley, M. A., M. C. Chitwood, C. A. Harper, C. E. Moorman, and C. S. DePerno. Collection, handling and analysis of forages for concentrate selectors.  Wildlife Biology in Practice 10:6-15.    PDF
  • 83.  Lashley, M. A., J. R. Thompson, M. C. Chitwood, C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman.  Evaluation of methods to estimate understory fruit biomass.  PLOS ONE 9(5): e96898. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096898.    PDF
  • 82.  Charles-Smith, L. E., M. E. Rutledge, C. J. Meek, K. Baine, E. Massey, L. N. Ellsaesser, C. S. DePerno, C. E. Moorman, and L. A. Degernes.  Hematologic parameters and hemoparasites of nonmigratory Canada geese (Branta canadensis) from Greensboro, North Carolina, USA.  Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 28:16-23.     PDF
  • 81.  Porter, K. M., C. S. DePerno, A. Krings, M. Krachey, R. Braham.  Vegetative impact of feral horses, feral pigs, and white-tailed deer on Currituck National Wildlife Refuge, North Carolina. Castanea 79:8-17.     PDF
  • 80.  Niemuth, J. N., C. W. Sanders. C. B. Mooney, C. Olfenbuttel, C. S. DePerno, and M. K.Stoskopf.  Nephrolithiasis in free-ranging North American river otters (Lontra canadensis) in North Carolina, USA.  Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 45:110-117.     PDF
  • 79.  Grovenburg, T. W., R. W. Klaver, C. N. Jacques, T. J. Brinkman, C. C. Swanson, C. S. DePerno, K. L. Monteith, J. D. Sievers, V. C. Bleich. J. G. Kie, and J. A. Jenks.  Influence of landscape characteristics on retention of expandable radiocollars on young ungulates.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 38:89-95.     PDF
  • 78.  Lashley, M. A., M. C. Chitwood, M. T. Biggerstaff, D. L. Morina, C. E. Moorman, and C. S. DePerno.  White-tailed vigilance: The influence of social and environmental factors.  PLOS ONE9(3): e69213. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090652. PDF
  • 77.  Bowling, S. A., C. E. Moorman, C. S. DePerno, and B. Gardner.  Influence of landscape composition on northern bobwhite population response to field border establishment.  Journal of Wildlife Management 78:93-100.     PDF
  • 76.  Jacques, C. N., J. A. Jenks, T. W. Grovenburg, R. W. Klaver, and C. S. DePerno.  Incorporating detection probability into Northern Great Plains pronghorn population estimates.  Journal of Wildlife Management 78:164-174.     PDF
  • 75.  Lashley, M. A., M. C. Chitwood, A. Prince, M. B. Elfelt, E. L. Kilburg, C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman.  Subtle effects of a managed fire regime: A case study in the longleaf pine ecosystem. Ecological Indicators 38:212-217.    PDF


  • 74.  Palamar, M. B., M. N. Peterson, C. S. DePerno, and M. T. Correa.  Assessing rabies knowledge and perceptions among ethnic minorities in Greensboro, North Carolina.  Journal of Wildlife Management 77:1321-1326.     PDF
  • 73.  Maggi, R. G., M. C. Chitwood, S. Kennedy-Stoskopf, and C. S. DePerno.  Novel hemotropic Mycoplasma species in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus).  Comparative Immunology, Microbiology, and Infectious Diseases 36:607-611.     PDF
  • 72.  Turner, M. M., C. S. DePerno, M. C. Conner, T. B. Eyler, R. A. Lancia, R. W. Klaver, and M. K. Stoskopf.  Habitat, Wildlife and One Health: Acanobacterium pyogenes in Maryland Upper Eastern Shore white-tailed deer populations.  Infection Ecology and Epidemiology 2013, 3:19175 –     PDF
  • 71.  Becker, S., C. E. Moorman, C. S. DePerno, and T. Simon.  Quantifiable long-term monitoring on parks and nature preserves.  Southeastern Naturalist 12:339-352.     PDF
  • 70.  Rockhill, A. P., C. S. DePerno, and R. A. Powell.  The effect of illumination and time of day on movement of bobcats (Lynx rufus).  PLOS ONE8:1-7.     PDF
  • 69.  Chitwood, M. C., C. S. DePerno, J. R. Flowers, and S. Kennedy-Stoskopf.  Physiological condition of female white-tailed deer in a nutrient-deficient habitat type.  Southeastern Naturalist 12:307-316.      PDF
  • 68.  Chitwood, M. C., R. G. Maggi, S. Kennedy-Stoskopf, M. Toliver, and C. S. DePernoBartonella vinsoniisubsp. berkhoffii in free-ranging white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 49: 468-470.     PDF
  • 67.  Golden, K. E., M. N. Peterson, C. S. DePerno, R. E. Bardon, and C. E. Moorman.  Factors shaping private landowner engagement in wildlife management.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:94-100.    PDF
  • 66.  Grovenburg, T. W., C. N. Jacques, R. W. Klaver, C. S. DePerno, C. P. Lehman, T. J. Brinkman, K. A. Robling, S. P. Rupp, and J. A. Jenks.  Effects of plant phenology and vertical heights on accuracy of radio-telemetry locations.  Wildlife Biology 19:30-40.     PDF
  • 65.  Blackman, E. B., C. S. DePerno, C. E. Moorman, and M. N. Peterson.  Use of crop fields and forest by wintering American woodcock. Southeastern Naturalist 12:85-92.    PDF
  • 64.  Rutledge, M. E., R. M. Siletzky, W. Gu, L. A. Degernes, C. E. Moorman, C. S. DePerno, and S. Kathariou.  Characterization of Camplobacter from resident Canada geese in an urban environment.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 49:1-9.    PDF


  • 63.  Karns, G. R., R. A. Lancia, C. S. DePerno, and M. C. Conner.  Impacts of hunting pressure on adult male deer behavior.  Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 66:120-125.    PDF
  • 62.  Hernandez, S. M., B. Galbreath, D. F. Riddle, A. P. Moore, M. B. Palamar, M. G. Levy, C. S. DePerno, M. T. Correa, and M. J. Yabsley.  Baylisascaris procyonisin raccooms (Procyon lotor) from North Carolina and current status of the parasite in the USA.  Parasitology Research  DOI: 10.1007/s00436-012-3186-1.    PDF
  • 61.  Sherrill, B. L., A. G. Snider, S. Kennedy-Stoskopf, and C. S. DePerno.  Survey of zoonotic pathogens in white-tailed deer on Bald Head Island, North Carolina.  Southeastern Naturalist 11:529-533.     PDF
  • 60.  Monteith, K. L., K. B. Monteith, J. A. Delger, L. E. Schmitz. T. J. Brinkman, C. S. DePerno, and J. A. Jenks.  Immobilization of white-tailed deer with telazol, ketamine, and xylazine, and evaluation of antagonists.  Journal of Wildlife Management 76:1412-1419.     PDF
  • 59.  Sandfoss, M. R., C. S. DePerno, C. W. Betsill, M. Baron Palamar, G. Erickson, and Suzanne Kennedy-Stoskopf.  A serosurvey for Brucella suis, classical swine fever virus, porcine circovirus type 2, and pseudorabies virus in feral swine (Sus scrofa) of eastern North Carolina.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48:462-466.     PDF
  • 58.  Blackman, E. B., C. S. DePerno, R. W. Heiniger, M. J. Krachey, C. E. Moorman and M. N. Peterson.  Effects of crop field characteristics on nocturnal winter use by American woodcock.Journal of Wildlife Management 76: 528-533.     PDF
  • 57.  Raybuck, A. L., C. E. Moorman, C. H. Greenberg, C. S. DePerno, K. Gross, D. M. Simon, and G. S. Warburton.  Short-term response of small mammals following oak regeneration silviculture treatments.  Forest Ecology and Management 274:10-16.     PDF


  • 56.  Grovenburg, T. W., C. N. Jacques, R. W. Klaver, C. S. DePerno, T. J. Brinkman, C. C. Swanson, and J. A. Jenks.  Influence of landscape characteristics on migration strategies of white-tailed deer.  Journal of Mammalogy 92:534-543.     PDF
  • 55.  Karns, G. R., R. A. Lancia, J. W. Bishir, C. S. DePerno, M. Conner, and C. Barker.  Improvement of a catch-per-unit-effort estimator for white-tailed deer populations.  Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 65:15-20.     PDF
  • 54.  Golden, K. E., C. S. DePerno, C. E. Moorman, M. N. Peterson, and R. E. Bardon.  Predicting North Carolina landowner participation and interest in wildlife related fee access. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 65:21-26.     PDF
  • 53.  Rockhill, A. P., S. K. Chinnadurai, R. A. Powell, and C. S. DePerno.  A comparison of two field chemical immobilization techniques for bobcats (Lynx rufus).  Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42:580-585.     PDF
  • 52.  Blackman, E. B., C. S. DePerno, C. E. Moorman, and M. N. Peterson.  Avian influenza testing of American woodcock in an agricultural landscape.  Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science 127:189-191.    PDF
  • 51.  Thakur, S., M. Sandfoss, S. Kennedy-Stoskopf, and C. S. DePerno.  Detection of Clostridium difficileand Salmonella in feral swine population in North Carolina.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 47:774-776.     PDF
  • 50.  Turner, M. M., A. P. Rockhill, C. S. DePerno, J. A. Jenks, R. W. Klaver, A. R. Jarding, T. W. Grovenburg, and K. H. Pollock.  Evaluating the effects of predators on white-tailed deer: Movement and diet of coyotes.  Journal of Wildlife Management 75:905-912.     PDF
  • 49.  Grovenburg, T. W., C. C. Swanson, C. N Jacques, R. W. Klaver, T. J. Brinkman, B. M. Burris, C. S. DePerno, and J. A. Jenks.  Survival of white-tailed deer neonates in Minnesota and South Dakota. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:213-220.    PDF
  • 48.  Karns, G. R., R. A. Lancia, C. S. DePerno, and M. C. Conner.  Investigation of adult male white-tailed deer excursions outside their home range.  Southeastern Naturalist 10:39-52.   PDF
  • 47.  Beard, A. W., R. G. Maggi, S. Kennedy-Stoskopf, N. A. Cherry, M. R. Sandfoss, C. S. DePerno, and E. B. Breitschwerdt.  Bartonellaspp. in feral pigs, southeastern United States. Emerging Infectious Diseases 17:893-895.     PDF
  • 46.  Chitwood, M. C., M. N. Peterson, and C. S. DePerno.  Assessing dog hunter identity in coastal North Carolina.  Human Dimensions of Wildlife 16:128-141.     PDF
  • 45.  Sandfoss, M., C. DePerno, S. Patton, J. Flower, and S. Kennedy-Stoskopf.  Prevalence of antibody to Toxoplasma gondiiand Trichinella spp. in feral pigs (Sus scrofa) of eastern North Carolina.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 47:338-343.    PDF
  • 44.  Grovenburg, T. W., C. C. Swanson, C. N. Jacques, C. S. DePerno, R. W. Klaver, and J. A. Jenks.  Female white-tailed deer survival across ecoregions in Minnesota and South Dakota. American Midland Naturalist 165:426-435.      PDF
  • 43.  Stringer, E. M., S. Kennedy-Stoskopf, M. C. Chitwood, J. R. Thompson, and C. S. DePerno.  Hyperkalemia in free-ranging white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus).  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 47:307-313.     PDF


  • 42.  Sherrill, B. L., A. G. Snider, and  S. DePerno.  White-tailed deer on a barrier island: implications for preserving an ecologically important maritime forest.  Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 64:38-43.     PDF
  • 41.  Ayers, C. R., C. E. Moorman, C. S. DePerno, F. H. Yelverton, and H. J. Wang.  Effects of mowing on anthraquinone for deterrence of Canada geese.  Journal of Wildlife Management 74:1863-1868.     PDF
  • 40.  Blackman, E. B., J. W. Reynolds, C. S. DePerno, C. E. Moorman, and M. N. Peterson.  Earthworm species available to American woodcock (Scolopax minor) on the wintering grounds in eastern North Carolina, USA.  Megadrilogica 14:59-64.    PDF
  •  39.  DePerno, C. S., L. Chintapalli, M. E. Rutledge, and B. Mehlenbacher.  Improving teaching: Instructional self-assessment across a large introductory undergraduate class.  American Education Science Review 1:1-26     PDF
  • 38.  Kleist, A. M., C. E. Moorman, C. S. DePerno, and R. E. Bardon.  Opportunities for planned county-based wildlife programming.  Journal of Extension 48:1-7.     PDF
  • 37.  Ayers, C. R., C. S. DePerno,C. E. Moorman, and F. H. Yelverton.  Canada goose weed dispersal and nutrient loading in turfgrass systems. Online. Applied Turfgrass Science doi:10.1094/ATS-2010-0212-02-RS.     PDF


  • 36.  Peterson, M. N., C. S. DePerno, C. E. Moorman, K. A. Cunningham, J. P. Milrad, J. D. Riddle, and T. Steelman.  Hunting and non-hunting college student’s perceptions of wildlife and each other. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 63:47-53.     PDF
  • 35.  Jacques, C. N., J. A. Jenks, C. S. DePerno,J. D. Sievers, T. W. Grovenburg, C. S. Swanson, T. J. Brinkman, and B. A. Stillings.  Evaluating ungulate mortality associated with helicopter net-gun captures in the Northern Great Plains.  Journal of Wildlife Management 73:1282-1291.    PDF
  • 34.  Karns, G. R., R. A. Lancia, C. S. DePerno, M. C. Conner, and M. K. Stoskopf.  Intracranial abscessation as a natural mortality factor for adult male white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Kent County, Maryland.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 45:196-200.     PDF
  • 33.  Hutchens, S. J. and C. S. DePerno.  Farancia erytrogramma(Rainbow Snake). Herpetological Review 40:355.    PDF
  • 32.  Hutchens, S. J. and C. S. DePerno.  Efficacy of sampling techniques for determining species richness estimates of reptiles and amphibians.  Wildlife Biology 113-122.    PDF
  • 31.  Hutchens, S. J. and C. S. DePerno.  Measuring species diversity to determine land-use effects on reptile and amphibian assemblages.  Amphibia-Reptilia 30:81-88.    PDF


  • 30.  Hutchens, S. J., C. S. DePerno, C. E. Matthews, K. H. Pollock, and D. K. Woodward.  Visible implant fluorescent elastomer: A reliable marking alternative for snakes.  Herpetological Review 39:301-303.    PDF
  • 29.  Swanson, C. C., J. A. Jenks, C. S. DePerno, R. W. Klaver, R. G. Osborn, and J. A. Tardiff.  Does the use of vaginal-implant transmitters affect neonate survival rate of white-tailed deerOdocoileus virginianus?  Wildlife Biology 13:272-279.    PDF
  • 28.  Sivamani, S., M. Turner, and C. DePerno.  Perspectives on tiger conservation in India: A comparison of local and global viewpoints.  North Carolina State University Undergraduate Research Journal 4:24-33.     PDF
  • 27.  Wolf, K. N., C. S. DePerno, J. A. Jenks, M. K. Stoskopf, S. Kennedy-Stoskopf, C. S. Swanson, T. J. Brinkman, R. G. Osborn, and J. A. Tardiff.  Serologic survey of selected infectious diseases and selenium status of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in southern Minnesota. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 44:181-187.    PDF
  • 26.  Klaver, R. W., J. A. Jenks,C. S. DePerno, and S. L. Griffin.  Associating seasonal range characteristics with survival of white-tailed deer.  Journal of Wildlife Management 72:343-353.    PDF
  • 25.  Gorman, T. A., B. R. McMillan, J. D. Erb, C. S. DePerno, and D. J. Martin.  Survival and cause-specific mortality of a protected population of river otters in Minnesota.  American Midland Naturalist 159:98-109.    PDF


  • 24.  Schuler, K. L., J. A. Jenks, C. S. DePerno, M. A. Wild, and C. C. Swanson.  Tonsillar biopsy test for chronic wasting disease: two sampling approaches in mule deer and white-tailed deer. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 41:820-824.     PDF
  • 23.  Brinkman, T. J., C. S. DePerno, J. A. Jenks, and B. S. Haroldson.  Movement of female white-tailed deer: effects of climate and intensive row-crop agriculture.  The Journal of Wildlife Management 69:1099-1111.     PDF
  • 22.  DePerno, C. S., B. J. Bigalke, J. A. Jenks, B. S. Haroldson, and R. G. Osborn.  2005.  Electrocution of an adult white-tailed deer.  The Prairie Naturalist 37:47-49.     PDF


  • 21.  Brinkman, T. J., J. A. Jenks, C. S. DePerno, and B. S. Haroldson. Clostridium perfringenstype A in a free-ranging fawn?  The Prairie Naturalist 36:181-185.     PDF
  • 20.  Brinkman, T. J., J. A. Jenks, C. S. DePerno, and B. S. Haroldson.  Survival of white-tailed deer in an intensively farmed region of Minnesota.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 32:726-731.  PDF
  • 19.  Gibbs, M. C., J. A. Jenks, C. S. DePernoB. F. Sowell, and K. J. Jenkins.  Cervid forage utilization in noncommercially thinned ponderosa pine forests.  Journal of Range Management 57:435-441.  PDF
  • 18.  Brinkman, T. J., K. L. Monteith, J. A. Jenks, and C. S. DePerno.  Predicting neonatal age of white-tailed deer in the northern Great Plains.  The Prairie Naturalist 36:75-81.    PDF


  • 17.  Bigalke, B. J., J. A. Jenks, andC. S. DePerno.  An efficient lower jaw removal technique for large mammals.  South Dakota Academy of Science 82:67-72.     PDF
  • 16.  DePerno, C. S., S. L. Griffin, J. A. Jenks, and L. A. Rice.  Multidimensional cover characteristics: Is variation in habitat selection related to white-tailed deer sexual segregation? Journal of Mammalogy 84:1316-1329.     PDF


  • 15.  Jenks, J. A., W. P. Smith, and C. S. DePerno.  Maximum sustained yield harvest versus trophy male management: an empirical test of two alternative hypotheses.  The Journal of Wildlife Management 66:528-535.     PDF
  • 14.  Brinkman, T. J., C. S. DePerno, J. A. Jenks, J. D. Erb, B. S. Haroldson.  A vehicle-mounted radiotelemetry antenna system design.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 30:258-262.     PDF
  • 13.  DePerno, C. S., J. A. Jenks, S. L. Griffin, L. A. Rice, and K. F. Higgins.  White-tailed deer habitats in the central Black Hills.  Journal of Range Management 55:242-252.     PDF


  • 12.  DePerno, C. S., J. A. Jenks, S. L. Griffin, and B. W. Klaver.  Use of the USDA Forest Service Geographic Information System for determining cover type use by white-tailed deer.  South Dakota Academy of Science 80:201-211.     PDF
  • 11.  DePerno, C. S., and J. R. Anderson.  Documentation of a late born fawn in south central Minnesota.  The Prairie Naturalist 32:257-258.     PDF
  • 10.  DePerno, C. S., J. A. Jenks, S. L. Griffin, and L. A. Rice.  Female survival rates in a declining white-tailed deer population.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 28:1030-1037.     PDF


  • 9.  DePerno, C. S., S. L. Griffin, J. A. Jenks, and L. A. Rice.  An unusual migration by a white-tailed deer fawn.  The Prairie Naturalist 29:93-97.     PDF


  • 8.  Cooper, W. E., Jr., C. S. DePerno, and L. J. Steele.  Effects of movement and eating on chemosensory tongue-flicking and on labial-licking in the leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius). Chemoecology 7:179-183.     PDF
  • 7.  DePerno, C. S., and W. E. Cooper, Jr.  Labial-licking for chemical sampling by the leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius).  Journal of Herpetology 30:540-543.     PDF
  • 6.  Cooper, W. E., Jr., C. S. DePerno, and L. J. Steele.  Do lingual behaviors and locomotion by two gekkotan lizards after experimental loss of bitten prey indicate chemosensory search? Amphibia-Reptilia 17:217-231.      PDF
  • 5.  Cooper, W. E., Jr., C. S. DePerno, and S. F. Fox.  Prey chemical discrimination and strike-induced chemosensory searching in lizards: Their absence in a crotaphytid lizard (Crotaphytus collaris) and a proposal for research in zoos. Zoo Biology  15:239-253.    PDF


  • 4.  Griffin, S. L.,C. S. DePerno, J. A. Jenks, L. A. Rice, and D. A. Flory.  Capture success of white-tailed deer in the central Black Hills, South Dakota.  Proceedings South Dakota Academy of Science 74:71-76.     PDF


  • 3.  Cooper, W. E., Jr., C. S. DePerno, and J. Arnett.  Prolonged post-bite elevation in tongue-flicking rate with rapid onset in gila monster Heloderma suspectum: Relation to diet and foraging and implications for evolution of chemosensory searching.  Journal of Chemical Ecology20:2867-2881.     PDF
  • 2.  DePerno, C. S., and W. E. Cooper, Jr.  Strike-induced chemosensory searching is absent inAnolis carolinensis.  Amphibia-Reptilia 15:83-88.     PDF


  • 1.  DePerno, C. S., and W. E. Cooper, Jr.  Prey chemical discrimination and strike-induced chemosensory searching in Liolaemus zapallarensis.  Chemoecology  4:86-92.  PDF

Peer-Reviewed Case Studies


  • 1.  Kennedy-Stoskopf, S., G. Almond, C. DePerno, G. Gray, A. Kedrowicz, D. Stanek, C. Woods, and A. Wright.  Brucella suis: A re-emerging pathogen at the human, livestock, and wildlife interface.  AAVMC/APTR One Health Case Studies

Popular Press


  • 49.  Strules, J., C. DePerno, and C. Olfenbuttel. An Education in Black Bears. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Wildlife in North Carolina 85(2):44-49.     PDF
  • 48.  Gould, N.P., R. Powell, C. Olfenbuttel, and C. S. DePerno.  City bears, country bears: New research highlights the pros and cons of urban and suburban life for black bears.  North Carolina Wildlife Federation Journal Spring 2022:2-5.    PDF


  • 47.  Gould, N. N. Hostetter, C. Olfenbuttel, and C. DePerno. Bruins in the streets: New research shines a light on the phenomenon of urban bears. North Carolina Wildlife Federation Journal Fall 2021:6-9.  PDF


  • 46. Rosche, S., C. E. Moorman, and C. S. DePerno.  The risk of being burned: Investigating spring and summer prescribed fire impacts on northern bobwhite nesting ecology.  The Upland Gazette, Wildlife Conservation and Habitat Management Spring 2018:52-53.     PDF


  • 45. Cherrix, A.  2019.  Backyard Bears: Conservation, Habitat Changes, and the Rise of Urban Wildlife (Scientists in the Field Series).  Contributing Scientist.
  • 44. Rosche, S., C. E. Moorman, and  C. S. DePerno.  The risk of being burned: Investigating spring and summer prescribed fire impacts on northern bobwhite nesting ecology.  The Upland Gazette, Wildlife Conservation and Habitat Management Spring 2018:52-53.    PDF


  • 43. Gould, N. P., C. S. DePerno, and C. Olfenbuttel.  Data offers insights into the lives of Asheville’s bears.  The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission.  Wildlife in North Carolina 81(3):34.    PDF


  • 42.  Lashley, M. A., M. C. Chitwood, C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman.  Preparing a fire prescription to maximize deer forage quality.  The Upland Gazette, Wildlife Conservation and Habitat Management Spring 2015:6.    PDF
  • 41.  Lashley, M. A., M. C. Chitwood, C. S. DePerno, and C. E. Moorman.  Research in our state…Fire and fruits.  NC Chapter of The Wildlife Society, NC Wildlifer, February 2015, 30:23.   PDF


  • 40. Gould, N. P., C. S. DePerno, and C. Olfenbuttel.  Movements, population ecology, and harvest vulnerability of black bears in urban/suburban habitats within the Asheville watershed.       Quarterly Newsletter of the International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA) and the IUCN/SSC Bear Specialist Group.  Fall 2014. Volume 23:22-23.     PDF 
  • 39. Chitwood, M.C., M.A. Lashley, C.E. Moorman, and C.S. DePerno.  Venison…It’s what’s for dinner.  NC Wildlifer 29:24–25.    PDF
  • 38. Gould, N. P., C. S. DePerno, and C. Olfenbuttel.  Urban bears in Asheville.  NC Wildlifer 29:6-14.    PDF
  • 37. Chitwood, M. C., M. A. Lashley, C. E. Moorman, and C. S. DePerno.  So, coyotes eat deer.  The question is: should we panic?  The Upland Gazette, Wildlife Conservation and Habitat               Management Fall 2014:4-5.    PDF
  • 36. Prince, A., C. Moorman, and C. DePerno.  Survival rates and home ranges of fox squirrels in the North Carolina Sandhills. The Upland Gazette, Wildlife Conservation and Habitat                     Management Spring 2014:8.     PDF


  • 35.  Kilburg, E. L., C. E. Moorman, and C. S. DePerno.  Burning during the nesting season: Desirable of disastrous for turkey management?  The Upland Gazette, Wildlife Conservation and Habitat Management Fall 2013:4-5.    PDF


  • 34.  Bowling, S., C. Moorman, and C. DePerno.  Bobwhite use of field borders.  The Upland Gazette, North Carolina Small Game Notes Fall 2012:7-8.     PDF


  • 33.  Blackman, E. B., C. S. DePerno, C. E. Moorman, and M. N. Peterson.  An earthworm feast in crop fields: American woodcock select furrows for foraging.  The Upland Gazette, North Carolina Small Game Notes Spring 2011:4-5.  PDF
  • 32.  Blackman, E., C. S. DePerno, N. Peterson, and C. E. Moorman.  Agricultural wintering habitat as a limiting factor for woodcock in the Southeast: thirty years of agroecosystem                     change. 4 February 2011.



  • 26.  Rutledge, L., C. DePerno, C. Moorman, and C. Ayers.  You can help waterfowl…  Informational brochure.  North Carolina State University, Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences Program.  1-2. (2 versions and a Spanish version). (1500 printed).
  • 24.  Hutchens, S. J., and C. S. DePerno.  A rainbow out of place.  Wildlife in North Carolina 72(10):31.
  • 22.  DePerno, C. S., and R. A. Lancia.  Wildlife summer camp.  The Pinetum Journal for the College of Natural Resources, North Carolina State University 2007-2008, 73rd edition.
  • 21.  Ayers, C. R., C. S. DePerno, S. K. Stoskopf, C. E. Moorman, and F. H. Yelverton.  Limiting Canada goose use of turfgrass areas.  North Carolina Turfgrass March/April 2008, 32-36.


  • 20.  Hutchens, S. J., and C. S. DePerno.  Serpentine Rainbows.  NC HERPS, The North Carolina Herpetological Society Newsletter 31:17-19.
  • 19.  DePerno, C. S.  Quantification of Canada Goose Damage and Repellency in Managed Turfgrass Systems.  Green light on research; 2007 Research proposals funded by the NCTF and the Centere.  North Carolina Turfgrass September/October 2007, 23.


  • 18.  Moorman, C. E., C. S. DePerno, P. D. Doerr, and R. A. Lancia.  Turner House informational brochure.  North Carolina State University 1-4.


  • 17.  Webber, J. M., R. Snow, J. Riddle, and C. S. DePerno.  Bad rep for coyotes.  Wildlife in North Carolina 69(12):16-19.


  • 16.  DePerno, C. S., and J. A. Jenks.  Antlered does.  Minnesota Conservation Volunteer. May-June 2004:58-60.
  • 15.  DePerno, C. S., and J. A. Jenks.  Antlered female deer: A scientific perspective. Whitetales Winter 2004:38-39.


  • 14.  DePerno, C. S., and J. A. Jenks.   Antlered female deer: how and why?  Whitetail Journal, October 2003:70-74.
  • 13.  DePerno, C. S., and J. R. Anderson.  Documentation of a late born fawn in south central Minnesota.  Whitetales. Summer 2003:54


  • 12.  Bestul, S. (with C. S. DePerno).  Tracking the migration and mortality of farmland deer.  Deer and Deer Hunting Magazine, Special Stump Sitters 25th Anniversary Collector’s Edition 34-4


  • 11.  Brinkman, T. J., C. S. DePerno, J. A. Jenks, B. S. Haroldson, and J. D. Erb.  Landowner Report: Seasonal mortality and movements of white-tailed deer in southwest Minnesota.  Whitetail News 11(2):46-47.
  • 10.  DePerno, C. S., B. S. Haroldson, and J. D. Erb.  Landowner Report: Summary of the capture operation and seasonal mortality of white-tailed deer in southeastern Minnesota.  Whitetales Winter 2001:47.


  • 9.  DePerno, C. S.,B. S. Haroldson, and J. D. Erb.  Whitetail Institute supports Minnesota mortality study.  Whitetail News 10(4):8.
  • 8.  DePerno, C. S., and J. A. Jenks.  Commentary: What’s up with Black Hills deer?  Outdoor News 33(22):2,19.
  • 7.  DePerno, C. S., J. A. Jenks, S. L. Griffin, and L. A. Rice.  Why are Black Hills whitetails declining?  South Dakota Conservation Digest 67(1):12-15.


  • 6.  DePerno, C. S., S. L. Griffin, J. A. Jenks, and L. A. Rice.  How well do white-tailed deer survive in the central Black Hills?  South Dakota Conservation Digest 66(1):8-12.
  • 5.  DePerno, C. S., J. A. Jenks, S. L. Griffin, and L. A. Rice.  Macro-habitats selected by white-tailed deer.  South Dakota Conservation Digest 66(1):11.


  • 4.  DePerno, C. S., J. A. Jenks, S. L. Griffin, and L. A. Rice.  Black Hills Bucks — Are white-tailed deer numbers decreasing in the central Black Hills?  South Dakota Conservation Digest64(5):20-21.
  • 3.  Griffin, S. L.,C. S. DePerno, J. A. Jenks, and L. A. Rice.  The migration of No. 1193 and her fawn.  South Dakota Conservation Digest  64(3):22-23.


  • 2.  DePerno, C. S., S. L. Griffin, and J. A. Jenks.  Whitetails in the central Black Hills –The importance of horizontal cover to female white-tailed deer in the central Black Hills.  South Dakota Conservation Digest 63(5):4-6.


  • 1.  DePerno, C. S., S. L. Griffin, and J. A. Jenks.  Black Hills Whitetails.  South Dakota Conservation Digest 62(5):18-21.